Monday, October 21, 2013

(Un)critical A_______

#PAUSE. We enter a Post-Critic(ism) era. Architecture is Off (-line).

Dear xxxxxxx,
Nowadays, everything in our tiny architectural bubble has become critical...
Critical, is the most used word/concept/philosophy by architects and theorists.
Even by artists, writers, thinkers, and more.
Is it not common today to use Criticism, to glorify Criticism, to abuse with Criticism?
Is there not a kind of saturation?
Is it a façade?
Questioning Criticism would be interressant for us.
Criticize Criticism.
Why not?
This could be on of the objectives of this group.
A PAUSE to think about.
Free of charge and free of mind.
Just be (un)critical.
Nacym Baghli

Post-Criticism could be: The Criticism is dead, long live the Criticism!
Is radical critical?
Is copy/paste radical?

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#uncritical #architecture #postcriticism #pause #copypaste

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